-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $VER: XSig_FILE 0.5 (26.06.94) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSig File Specifications ======================== (C) Copyright 1994 by Jürgen Weinelt. Read "XSig.doc" for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------ (0) IMPORTANT WARNING! ---------------------- DO NOT WRITE ANY TOOLS THAT DEPEND ON THE LAYOUT OF THE "INDEX" OR "POINTER" FILE. THE FILE LAYOUT OF THESE TWO FILES MAY CHANGE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. (1) The Main Configuration File ------------------------------- XSig's main config file is called "uulib:XSig.data" and must have the following layout: First line: "#H XSIG DATA" XSig needs this header to identify its config file. Second line: "#B " This line tells XSig where to find its cookies and the related files. Third...n-th line: "#G " This line tells XSig what signature to use. The fields of the "#G"-line are: any valid AmigaDOS-pattern (no whitespace allowed) "S": cycle through the cookies sequentially "R": pick one cookie randomly fixed signature text cookie file (basename) You are allowed to add comment lines anywhere in the main configuration file. A comment line starts with "#R" and is ignored completely. XSig expects the following files: fixed signature text, e.g. your eMail address (plain ASCII, no special layout) Typically this will be your ".signature" file. .cookie cookie data file, layout see below .index cookie index file, layout see below .pointer cookie pointer file, layout see below XSig.data example: - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - #H XSIG DATA #B uulib:XSig/ #G comp.#? S comp-sig-fixed comp-sig-cookies #G alt.#? R alt-sig-fixed alt-sig-cookies #G #? S comp-sig-fixed default-sig-cookies - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - (2) The Cookie Data File ------------------------ First line: "#H XSIG COOKIE" XSig needs this header to identify its cookie data file. The rest of the file contains cookies (plain ASCII text); the cookies are separated by "#--" (must be on a separate line, and there must be at least two [or more] dashes!). (3) The Cookie Index File ------------------------- First line: "#H XSIG INDEX" XSig needs this header to identify its index data file. Second line: "#C " Tells XSig the number of index pairs in the index file. Second...n-th line: "#I " These "#I"-lines tell XSig where the cookies in the main cookie data file start and how long they are. Note: You should NEVER edit the cookie index file manually. After any change in the cookie data file, just run "XSigIDX " to rebuild the index. (4) The Cookie Pointer File --------------------------- First line: "#H XSIG POINTER" XSig needs this header to identify its pointer data file. Second line: "#P " This tells XSig which cookie to pick next. Note: You should NEVER edit the cookie pointer file manually. To reset the pointer file, just rebuild the cookie index file (see (3)).